Prior to Purchase Examinations

The standard examination is conducted in five stages, although the exact sequence of
the examination may vary.

The stages are:
Stage 1 – Preliminary examination
This is a methodical examination of the animal’s body to assess general appearance and condition. It includes examination of the teeth, the resting heart, the eyes by ophthalmascope, the skin, the limbs and feet, and flexion of the limb joints to reveal pain or limitation of movement.

Stage 2 – Trotting Up
The animal is walked and trotted on hard level ground in order to detect gross abnormalities of gait and action.

Stage 3 – Strenuous exercise
The animal is given sufficient strenuous exercise (1) to make it breathe deeply and rapidly so that any unusual breathing sounds may be heard; (2) to increase the action of the heart so that abnormalities may be more easily detected; and (3) to tire the animal so that strains or injuries may be revealed by stiffness or lameness after a period of rest.

Stage 4 – A period of Rest
The horse is allowed to stand quietly for a period during which time the breathing and the heart are
checked as they return to their resting levels.

Stage 5 – The second trot and foot examination
The horse is walked and trotted again, turned sharply and backed, in order to reveal abnormalities exacerbated by the strenuous exercise stage.

If you require a Limited Prior to Purchase a separate declaration will need to be completed

Limited Prior to Purchase Declaration

Please download sign and upload in the signed declaration in the online form below.


Your Details
Vender (person selling the horse)
Location of Vetting
Details of Horse or Pony
Examination Details
Please give details of radiographs required.

A blood sample will be taken on the day and stored for 6 months at a lab then discarded. During the 6 month holding time if you want to have the blood sample tested for any substances given to the animal this can be completed.